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Hi, My Name Is Sinder5

I'm gonna do my best to tell you a bit about myself so....

       I joined my first social media site on September 9th, 2014, and I've loved everyone I've met there and became friends with.  Over there on Google+, yes, not a popular social media site I know, I was inspired to build minecraft structures and write stories about my adventures, and most importantly, was inspired to start making GFX.  (Short for Graphics in case you weren't familiar with the term.)  I made my humble beginnings by following in the footsteps of those who I looked to as the masters of GFX, people on G+ like...  S-Craft GFX, Craig B; (which was his name before he changed it to CraiigGraphics)  And other guys including The Derpy and Mr. Fireball (who uses blender like me.  ^__^)  Anyway, I got compliments and continued my goals towards becoming a master.  Today I don't know if I've reached that goal yet, as there is always so much more to learn, but I'm having fun, and this website is dedicated to GFX, and I hope you all will continue this journey with me.




My Google+ For those of you who didn't see it on the home page


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